The Alumni Economia Sapienza is honoured to invite you to the event “Reforming the European Monetary Union in 2020. What Path for the EMU of tomorrow?”, during which we will host two of the most prominent economists in Europe and the world: Professor Paul De Grauwe (LSE) and Professor Nicola Acocella (Sapienza).
This month – given the current state of the EMU and its need to be reformed to better respond to economic shocks such as the Covid-19 one – we thought it could be particularly insightful to organize an event on the necessity of reforming the EMU. Indeed, despite crisis-driven institutional adjustments, we believe the EMU has still the necessity to be reformed along new lines which must move away from the outdated conventional theoretical foundations characterizing the EMU. This is because such foundations have made the EMU a suboptimal currency area, hence inherently exposing it to both symmetrical and asymmetrical shocks.
During the evening, participants will also have the chance to interact with our guests during the Q&A session which follows the panel discussion.
The event will be introduced by the President of the Alumni Economia Sapienza #Pierluigi Testa, and will be moderated by #Emanuele Errichiello, Research Fellow in European Affairs at the Think Tank Trinità dei Monti.